Saturday, January 3, 2015

Reaching Beyond Borders

We have gone international! Ore Academy's blog has now been viewed in 22 countries and 44 of the United States. We have reached all of the continents with the exception of South America and Antarctica. Six year old Adam has been helping us mark the world map. He is anxious to add Italy to the list. Thank you to all of our readers. We would love to hear from you! Give a shout out, in the comments, letting us know where you are. And if you know someone in Italy to share our blog with, you would make a little boy very happy.


  1. Wow, we already got a visiter from Italy. We have a happy little boy. Thank you.

  2. Gifted Homeschoolers Forum shared your post on the Facebook page at GHF reaches ~300,000 folks on six continents each week. :-)
